Multi-scale methodology to map grey and green structures in urban areas using Pléiades images and existing geographic data
DOI :és :
morphologie urbaine, imagerie Pléiades, Données urban structure, Pleiades imagery, ancillary data, object-based image classificationRésumé
Identification and monitoring of urban fabric and preservation of existing ecosystems have become major issues to maintain or increase biodiversity in areas under urban influence in most of European cities. While many studies have shown the interest of using optical remotely sensed data for that purpose, a consolidated and reproducible methodological framework was still missing. In this context, a multi-scale methodology has been proposed in the framework of the project VALI-URB to map built-up and vegetated land features in urban and suburban areas based on Pleiades images and existing ancillary data (vector databases or the Open Street Map database). The objective of this paper is to highlight the interest of using land cover/use maps derived from Pleiades images and vector databases to semi-automatically characterize grey and green infrastructures at a scale of 1:10,000. First results are presented on two medium-sized cities with different urban forms: Strasbourg and Rennes (France).
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