About the Journal

The RFPT is an open-access french scientific journal for Photogrammetry and Remote sensing. Current Editor-In-Chief: Ewelina Rupnik (2021-present)

Indexed in: CrossRef, Sherpa/Romeo, DOAJ, Scopus

Current Issue

Vol. 226 No. 1 (2024): Pléiades NEO
					View Vol. 226 No. 1 (2024): Pléiades NEO
Published: 2024-05-15
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We publish a single volume per year. The articles can be submitted in french or english.

THe RFPT is coordinated by the Editor-in-Chief (EiC). The EiC together with the editorial board defines the strategy and the editorial line of the journal. The EiC additionally manges the articles' submissions and moderates the RFPT website.